He's always short of money because he likes to spend his income in advance. 他总是缺钱用,因为他喜欢预先将薪水花光。
"For income from production or Business operation derived by individual industrial and commercial households, the tax payable shall Be computed on annual Basis and paid in advance in monthly installments." 应按照稿酬所得缴纳个人所得税。个体工商户的生产、经营所得应纳的税款,按年计算,分月预缴
It's unwise to spend your income in advance. 把你的收入提前花掉是不明智之举。
From the income tax researches of investment and fixed assets, it is suggested to design the income tax plan in advance in order to get the potential saving at the rage of permission. 根据投资业务和固定资产业务中应纳税所得额的分析,通过对其事先筹划和安排,在税法规定许可的范围内,尽可能地达到企业纳税节约的目的。